Monday, September 29, 2008

Mama's Super HERO (click for video)

This You Tube video is a silly expression of the reality of living with Diabetes type 1. We can relate to this video big time!!! So many sweet children as well as adults suffer with this lifestyle! Elli is my personal HERO! (if you're reading this sweetness - You are my "SUPER ELLI!"). I have no doubt that she has and will allow God to use this tough daily struggle to prepare her for a great work as she continues to yeild her life to God's perfect and pleasing will! Lord, protect Elli from any harm, grow her in Your strength and give her courage to face each new day with the steadfast knowledge that YOU are good! repeated from the video "We will overcome in time!" Thank you Lord!

Why do we expect God to show up when we ask Him not to come? Wake up America!


Just felt like that needed to be said today!