Thursday, May 14, 2009

MAY 13th - 9:02 pm (click for photos)

What is significant about that day and time? My sweet Charli entered the world!!!


It went too fast! We enjoyed the day!

Phil off with us
time with God
Cafe on the deck
Gymboree - C loved it!!!
Cracker Barrel for bfast - where we told E & R about there new baby! (yummy blackbry cob)
sang happy birthday
home for a long nap - C loves to fall asleep in our big cozy bed & we love to cuddle her!
Juicing for snack - Carrot and apple
Driving to visit Gma Sue & Colby we came across a large Gopher turtle - had to pull over!
sang happy birthday
Visited with Gma & Colby - new swing set
Visited with Gma Mary - suffering from the resuts of dialysis - my heart aches for her!
what a change of life!
Visited Gma Dotti - too bad Gpa was not there - Gma down from kidney stones and UTI
looking forward to getting her healthy!!! Don't like seeing her so down! Hang in there mom!
Home for a fabulous Papa made dinner of Fish, rice and veggies
sang happy birthday
sang happy birthday
off to bed...Good night!

*did not have cake today (had it at her beach party last weekend) - trying to let go of how I think a first birthday should be...Tons of present opening, crying children, cake in the face, lots of activity...wanting to appreciate the blessings in a regular day with acceptional people!!!

Thanks to all of you who called/sent you much!!!

Happy Birthday Big Geel!


FWmom said...

on eyear ??? already??
happy birthday- she was born just one week before we left to our new home away from FL.
the tiem sure does fly when your having fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe a year has gone by already. Just seems like yesterday we were in yearbook class comparing our pregnancy symptoms. But one thing I want to know, am I confused, one of your comments said you told E & R about their new baby, does that mean another one for you guys?