Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Love Dare

(click on title for link to Fireproof - a must see!)
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

I LOVE being married to Phil. God has done so many unbelievable things in our union together but there was a time when things weren't so good! Just this morning my bible study was all about my relationship with my husband. The question that was asked toward the end of the chapter was, "how can you respect your husband today." When we were married, 15 years ago, we had a knowledge of God's word but not much of a heart for God and His truths. This movie, Fireproof, is an amazing picture of what marriage can be! When we live by the world's standards the picture is sad, lonely & extremely frustrating but when we make the choice to let God lead we find our lives, our marriages filled with joy and peace! There is so much more I could say but the one thing I need to say is GO SEE THE MOVIE with your honey! Pray before you go and ask God to do a mighty work in your relationship together! Phil and I plan to purchase the book "The Love Dare." I am looking forward to the fun it will bring to our marriage! I'm looking forward to getting to know Phil, once again, on a whole new level! Thank God today for your spouse and have fun "studying" each other! I love you Phil! (PIP)

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